Thursday, September 20, 2007

Free Penis Enlargement Exercises

Alright guys, I decided to let you in on a little preview of what Penis enlargement (PE) is all about. I'm going to give you the basic routine that most people do in their first month of PE. I'm pretty sure that you'll be positively surprised at the results and will want to continue or get into the more advanced routines.

Alright well first off, the most important thing to remember is that consistency is key. It's THE MOST important thing to successful PE. You have to be dedicated to the task at hand ( no pun intended ). I've done it both ways, being constant & NOT being constant. Let me tell you, I tell everyone now how much of a difference it makes. Truthfully, when I wasn't consistent, I was more prone to injury, & I lacked gains. But since I've restarted, I haven't missed a day of my preset "pe" days, and it shows.

Most people preach the 3 on 1 off 2 on 1 off, which means you do PE for 3 days then take a day off, then you do 2 days on and another day off. But personally, I went with another type of routine. My routine is more like this: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday are my "on" days. Wednesday, and the weekend I don't do anything. It's been working great for me. You shouldn't workout everyday, since your penis needs to rebuild itself to get bigger. Not giving it enough time to rebuild itself is just like taking a step forward and two steps back. It'll hurt your results. So even though your in a hurry to make those gains, stick to the days your put as your "on" days and ONLY those days.

Alright, now for the first technique. It's called the PC flex. It's probably one of the more helpful exercises in PE since it's the exercise that gives you those rock-hard erections. These exercises train, well, your PC muscle. What muscle is that? Well have you ever stopped been peeing and stopped peeing in the middle of the act? Well the PC was responsible for that. So do what you did to stop your flow, come on, do it now...You should feel a squeeze from under your package and in front of your anus. That's where the PC is, and you just basically did a PC flex! Now how easy was that?! So now, since your just starting, your PC needs to become stronger, and we do that one step at a time.

Alright, here's what you do: Do these flexes for 5 min during your first week. You can do them whenever, wherever you like. I do them sitting at work in front of my computer. You don't need to have a hard-on to do these. After that first week, raise it to 10min; 3rd week, 20 min & 4th week, 30 min. From now on you don't need to add any more minutes. Always do 30min from now on. I used to do them for an hour, but I developed back pains, but now, no pain, all gain. Only do PC flexes on your on days, it also needs rest to become stronger. In no time, you'll have hard as hell erections, and you could learn to control your ejaculations. which is something for another article all-together. Doing ONLY this exercise could give you gains in your girth from the increased blood flow. Not a lot tough, since you need to do other exercises to stretch to allow more blood in and create more places for blood to go in.

The second exercise is the basis of all the length exercises, the Long Schlong. This is pretty easy to do. Just grab your penis under the head with an ok grip. An ok grip is just making an "O" with your thumb and index finger. So do that and stretch in front of you and hold it there for 15 secs. After that massage. Now repeat this for every direction: Up,Down,Left,Right,Straight out. Make sure you massage in between every rep. Do 4 sets in all directions. Don't pull too hard until you feel pain though, you should only pull until you feel a good stretch. We don't want you to go injuring your favorite member now do we? Oh and if your having a hard time getting a good grip on your soldier, I use toilet paper. If you can find something softer which still gives you a good grip, then go for it. I've even heard of people using boxers. Even though I can't see how well that can work... You may start to get an erection since it's your first time. It can be annoying, but don't sweat it, it's happened to EVERYONE. Just give it time and that'll go away.

Next up, the basis of all PE, the Jelq. This is mainly go girth, you'll be using this pretty much throughout your PE journey.

For this exercise you should use lubrication. Preferably water based. Baby oil is a popular choice. I myself use Stives moisturizer but might switch to baby oil after my supply runs out. You'll be using lubrication for most of your girth work, so you should get some before you start. And Baby oil doesn't look as bad as buying Vaseline which is part of a lot of jokes. You should always do your girth exercises after your stretching exercises for this reason, since you'll probably have a hard time grabbing your head and getting a good grip if it's lubricated. Now, for the exercise, first off, get yourself an 80% erection. I usually know I'm at around 80% when I'm hard but I can still bend it pretty easily. Once you've got that taken care of, make an ok grip at the base and slide it up towards the head. This should take about 2-3 secs. Make sure your pushing the blood and not just the skin. Now when your up at the head, switch hands and start again. Do 25 of these in your first week. Then, each week, add another set of 25. Continue like this until you reach 200 jelqs, which should be around the end of your second month. Remember to always massage after each set. This'll help prevent injury.

The last important thing to talk about is the Warm up and Warm down. For the warm up, before you start the Long Schlong, take a hot towel and wrap it on your penis for about 3 mins. It's that simple. For the warm down, you can either do the warm towel again, or you can do what I do and take a bath or a shower. They all work. Some have developed fancier ways to warm up. But I'm a fan of the KISS way of doing things: Keep It Simple Stupid.

And there you go! Those are the basic exercises that most people do in their first month of Penis enlargement. Now go start so you can marvel at the effects of these techniques.

Want to learn more penis exercises? Then is the place to go.


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